Academic Offerings

  •  International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program

    International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program

    The IB Middle Years Program (MYP) prepares sixth through eighth grade students for advanced achievement with higher level thinking, communications, collaborative skills, self management, and reflection. ALL Trinity Middle School students participate in our IB Program.

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  •  VPK

    Florida Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten

    Trinity Catholic School is proud to be a Florida Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) provider! VPK is a free, high-quality early learning program that prepares your child for kindergarten success. Through engaging and developmentally appropriate activities, VPK helps build a strong foundation in literacy, mathematics, and social-emotional development.

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  •  EAGLES Gifted Program

    EAGLES Gifted Program

    The gifted education program at Trinity Catholic School is called EAGLES: Enriched Accelerated Guided Learning for Exceptional Students. 1st - 5th Grade students who have been identified as gifted are being provided service.

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  •  High School Credit

    High School Credit

    Trinity Catholic Middle School offers graduating 8th Graders the opportunity to earn High School credit for Algebra I, Spanish I or Latin I, and HOPE.

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  •  Summer Learning

    Summer Learning

    Summer learning is crucial for children to maintain and expand their academic progress. While some may experience a "summer slide," where learning may regress during the summer break, Trinity Catholic School actively encourages continued learning and growth throughout the year.

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