•  Middle School Girls Basketball

    All FHSAA forms must be turned in prior to tryouts. There are three videos that must be watched each year and certificates turned in as well.

    Forms can be found on the link to the left of this page.

    Girls interested in trying out for Middle School Girls Basketball need to have all FHSAA forms turned into Coach Whittaker prior to tryouts.


    Try outs
    Tuesday, October 22 @Trinity 3:30-5
    Thursday, October 24 @ Trinity 3:30-5


    October 25th @ Lafayette Park 12:30-2:00 - Girls will be walked to Lafayette Park.  Parents pick up at Lafayette Park

    Future practices will be held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at Trinity from 3:30-5, unless otherwise communicated by the basketball coaches.

    2024-2025 Lady Knights Basketball Schedule

    November 7, Thursday Away vs. NFC 5:00

    November 19, Tuesday Away vs. Holy Comforter @ Holy Comforter 4:00

    December 2, Monday Away vs Florida High 4:00

    December 3, Tuesday Away vs. Holy Comforter (@ H.C) 4:00

    December 5, Thursday Away vs. Community Christian (Immanuel Baptist Church) 4:00

    December 11, Wednesday Away vs. Wakulla 5:00

    December 13, Friday Away Florida High 4:00

    December 16, Monday, Home vs. Community Christian 7:00 (@Equal Shot Academy)

    December 18, Wednesday Away vs River Springs 5:00

    December 19, Thursday Away vs. Aucilla Christian 4:00